Hotel Fuggerov dvor

Complaints procedure

Seller: BARANČIA, srl –  Fuggerov of Justice***
registered office: Selčiansky works 596, 976 11 SELCE
ID: 36009 644
VAT number: 2020458231
VAT ID: SK2020458231
entry in the register: OR -OS-B. Bystrica, Ltd. 3803/With

  1. This complaints procedure regulates the manner and the place of the complaint, and the procedure for resolving complaints and the way of performing warranty repairs. This relates to the goods and services which the seller has sold to consumers. With complaints shall act in accordance with this complaint procedure, in compliance with the statutory provisions and the rights of the consumers.
  2. Complaints are handled during the opening times in the service, where the service was provided, or where the product was purchased: name and address of the operation: Fuggerov of Justice, Selčiansky works 596, Selce 976 11 complaints are dealt with by: (name, function, phone no):  Vladimír Tours – prevádzkar the hotel, Ivana Túryová the hotel manager, 048/3219988.
  3. To advertise, it is always necessary to provide proof of purchase of the goods or provision of services (invoice, cash register block). Types of complaints and their equipment:
    a) the warranty claim
    The seller provides the product warranty within the meaning of the Commercial code. The warranty period begins on the date of receipt of the product by the customer. A claim under warranty must be made no later than the last day of the warranty period.
    Warranty claim is processed by as far right (in the case of the merits), and the exchange of goods for free, or providing the replacement, without vadnej services. If the replacement is not possible, the seller shall provide warranty service within a period of 30 days, or if this is not possible, take the defective product back and refund the purchase price. A warranty claim does not apply if the defect of the goods has been caused by inappropriate waste handling, or use for any other purpose, or under conditions other than it has.
    (b) the claim of error in the quantity, type, quality, prices, etc.
    Person vybavujúca complaints immediately establishes the eligibility of the claim and remove the deficiencies.
  4. Each complaint shall be prepared the letter of complaint in duplicate, of which one copy of the consumer will receive, to the original insertion. Complaint letters are numbered in ascending order, and each claim shall be entered into the book of records of complaints. In the event that the complaint is nevyhovelo, or was not equipped with the right, the letter of complaint shall be filled in triplicate – the second copy shall be forwarded to the manager of the employee one hour of Ivan Túryová.
  5. If the complaint has not been equipped with immediately, the seller shall be notified in writing to the consumer way of processing the claim, and at the latest within 30 days of lodging the complaint.

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